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Can you feel the spooky chill in the air? Do you sense a distinct lack of pumpkin in your island décor? Get ready for Halloween with the Animal Crossing: New Horizons October 2020 update featuring a pumpkin patch of your own!

您能感觉到空气中令人毛骨悚然的寒冷吗? 您在岛上的装饰中是否感觉到南瓜的明显缺乏? 通过动物穿越: 2020年10月新视野更新为万圣节做准备,其中包含您自己的南瓜补丁!

南瓜补丁 (Pumpkin Patches)

September 2020 in Animal Crossing: New Horizons brought  falling from trees, waiting to be used for DIY recipes. But now there’s even more content on the way in preparation for the Halloween holiday!

2020年9月的《动物穿越》中:《新视野》带来了从树上掉下来的情况,等待用于DIY食谱。 但是现在为万圣节假期做准备的路上还有更多内容!

Starting in October 2020, Animal Crossing: New Horizons has a new harvestable item that can be plucked and used in several new pumpkin-themed DIY recipes that are sure to add some chilly touches to your island during the autumnal season.


Pumpkin starts can be purchased in-game from Leif (he will appear randomly outside of the Town Center) or from Nook’s Cranny during the month of October. Once your pumpkins are grown, they can be harvested and put to use in various pumpkin-themed DIY projects that are a part of the “Spooky” collection.

可以在游戏中从Leif(他会随机出现在Town Center的外面)或10月份的Nook的Cranny中购买南瓜头。 南瓜长大后,就可以将它们收获并用于“ Spooky”系列中以南瓜为主题的各种DIY项目中。

ACNH Isabelle pumpkin announcement

Isabelle will inform you of the new seasonal event in her morning announcement. She will allude to how you can participate in the new festivities—growing pumpkins, buying candy, and more. The event is only available in the month of October 2020.

伊莎贝尔(Isabelle)会在早上的公告中告知您新的季节性活动。 她将暗示您如何参加新的庆祝活动-种植南瓜,购买糖果等。 该活动仅在2020年10月举行。

哪里可以买到南瓜开胃菜 (Where to Buy Pumpkin Starters)

Pumpkin starters will be available for a limited time throughout the month of October 2020 from Timmy and Tommy’s Nook & Cranny shop (check the cabinets by the fishing poles) for 280 Bells, or five for 1,400 Bells.


Leif pumpkin starts acnh

You can also purchase them at Leif’s cart when he appears on your island. One pumpkin start costs 140 Bells, while a bundle of five costs 700 Bells. They’re a lot cheaper if you purchase them from Leif, so if you’re planning on stocking up, be sure to wait for his cart to show up outside of the Resident Services Center.

当Leif出现在您的岛上时,您也可以从Leif的购物车中购买。 一个南瓜起价为140贝尔,而五个南瓜起价为700贝尔。 如果您从Leif购买它们,它们会便宜很多,因此,如果您打算储存库存,请务必等待他的购物车出现在Resident Services Center外。

anch leif pumpkin starts

If you’ve grown an excess of pumpkins that you no longer need, you can sell them in bulk to Timmy and Tommy for a decent amount of Bells (10 orange pumpkins sell for 3,500 Bells), but price varies upon color. You can also give pumpkins away as gifts to family and friends.

如果您已经种植了不再需要的多余南瓜,则可以将它们散装出售给Timmy和Tommy,以获得相当数量的Bells(10个橙色南瓜售价为3500 Bells),但是价格会因颜色而异。 您也可以将南瓜作为礼物送给家人和朋友。

越来越多的南瓜 (Growing Pumpkins)

Once you’ve gathered pumpkin starts, you can begin planting pumpkins around your island. Equip your shovel and dig into the ground. Then, as you’re facing the hole, open your inventory and select the pumpkin starts to plant them into the ground. Once you’ve planted the pumpkin, you can dig them back up and move them if you desire, just like any other harvestable plant in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

一旦您开始收集南瓜,就可以开始在岛上种南瓜了。 装备好铁锹,挖到地下。 然后,当您面对洞时,打开库存并选择南瓜,然后将其种植到地下。 种植南瓜后,您可以将其挖回并根据需要移动它们,就像《动物杂交:新视野》中的任何其他可收获植物一样。

If you water the pumpkins every day, you could potentially harvest multiples all at once, so be sure to water your pumpkins as they’re growing. After planting, pumpkins take four days to fully mature and will grow into four different potential colors.

如果您每天都给南瓜浇水,则有可能一次收获多个南瓜,因此请确保在南瓜生长时给南瓜浇水。 播种后,南瓜需要四天才能完全成熟,并且会长成四种不同的潜在颜色。

And just like flowers, pumpkins will also regrow after you’ve harvested them. Once collected, they will begin at stage two (with four leaves), with a new pumpkin produced two days later. Orange pumpkins appear to be the dominant color, and the other colors are somewhat rare in comparison.

就像鲜花一样,收割后南瓜也会长出来。 收集后,它们将从第二阶段开始(有四片叶子),两天后将生产出一个新南瓜。 橙色南瓜似乎是主要颜色,相比之下,其他颜色则很少见。

anch leif pumpkin colors

The four different pumpkins color variations that can be produced are orange, green, yellow, or white—and you won’t know the color of the pumpkin until they’ve finished growing on the fourth day.


To harvest the pumpkins and place them in your inventory, stand beside them and press the “A” button on your right Joy-Con controller.

要收获南瓜并将其放入库存中,请站在南瓜旁边,然后按一下右侧Joy-Con控制器上的“ A”按钮。

ACNH pumpkins

Colors are pre-determined, so you don’t have to worry about crossbreeding. Just water the pumpkins, harvest them when their colors appear, and repeat! To produce the pumpkin color you want, you’ll have to buy more pumpkin starts and grow them to maturity.

颜色是预先确定的,因此您不必担心杂交。 只需给南瓜浇水,等其颜色出现后再收割,然后重复! 要产生所需的南瓜色,您必须购买更多的南瓜起头并将其成熟。

南瓜主题的DIY食谱 (Pumpkin-Themed DIY Recipes)

The fruits of your labor will result in new Halloween-themed DIY recipes: the Spooky collection! This time around, obtaining recipes isn’t as simple as shooting them from balloons or harvesting the pumpkins you grow. Instead, the new DIY recipes can only be obtained by visiting residents in their homes and talking to them while they’re working on DIY recipes at their workbench.

您辛勤工作的成果将产生新的以万圣节为主题的DIY食谱:Spooky系列! 这次,获得食谱并不像从气球中拍摄食谱或收获自己种植的南瓜那样简单。 取而代之的是,只有在他们的工作台上拜访居民并与他们交谈时,才能获得新的DIY食谱。

ACNH pumpkin diys

If you want something more unique—dare I say, designer—try using a different colored pumpkin when crafting your new pumpkin-themed DIY recipes. The final color of the item you craft will match the color of the pumpkin you used.

如果您想获得更独特的东西(敢于说,设计师),请在制作新的以南瓜为主题的DIY食谱时尝试使用其他颜色的南瓜。 您制作的商品的最终颜色将与您使用的南瓜的颜色匹配。

Orange pumpkins are the most common pumpkin color by far, but you can craft different colored-pumpkin DIYs at your workbench, so long as you have enough pumpkins of the desired color.


ACNH diy recipes customize2

Stand next to your workbench, press “A” on your right Joy-Con controller, choose “Customize Something,” and then select the Spooky item that you want to customize. A new screen will appear where you can choose from the various pumpkin colors—orange, yellow, green, or white.

站在您的工作台旁边,在右侧的Joy-Con控制器上按“ A”,选择“自定义内容”,然后选择要自定义的Spooky项目。 将出现一个新屏幕,您可以在其中从各种南瓜颜色中进行选择-橙色,黄色,绿色或白色。

ACNH diy recipes customize

The number of colored pumpkins needed to customize the item is displayed in the top-right of the customization page.


Remember there is no secret method to growing the various unique pumpkin colors, so you’ll have to grow a bunch of them until you get the color you want.


ACNH pumpkin spooky arch5

Once you’ve discovered one of the new Spooky DIY recipes, you can view them under the “Seasonal Recipes” category in your Nook Phone’s DIY Recipes app. DIY recipes that you have in excess can also be sold to Timmy and Tommy at Nook’s Cranny or given to friends.

找到新的Spooky DIY食谱之一后,您可以在Nook Phone的DIY食谱应用程序的“季节性食谱”类别下查看它们。 您多余的DIY食谱也可以在Nook's Cranny商店中出售给Timmy和Tommy或赠送给朋友。

ACNH pumpkin spooky arch4

In addition to new DIY recipes, on October 31, 2020, Jack–a specter known as the “Czar of Halloween”—will make an appearance. Jack is familiar to longtime Animal Crossing fans after his appearances in past games, and he is sure to host a special event just for Halloween.

除了新的DIY食谱,到2020年10月31日,杰克(一个被称为“万圣节沙皇”的幽灵)将出现。 在过去的游戏中露面后,杰克对长期的动物穿越迷们都很熟悉,他一定会为万圣节举办特别活动。

为万圣节做准备 (Preparing for Halloween)

ACNH Isabelle candy announcement

In addition to bringing in the Halloween spirit with jack-o-lanterns, you should also stock up on candy before the big event starts on October 31, 2020. Head over to Nook’s Cranny to pick up candy that you can pass out to trick-or-treaters on Halloween night.


ACNH nook cranny candy

Candy costs 120 Bells and is a limited purchase. There is a once per day and one per customer limit, so be sure to head over to Nook’s Cranny as often as you can throughout the month of October. You won’t want to show up Halloween night empty-handed!

糖果的价格为120贝尔,并且限量购买。 每天限制一次,每个客户限制一次,因此请确保在整个十月内尽可能多地访问Nook的Cranny。 您不会徒手出现在万圣节之夜!

ACNH nooks cranny halloween items

There are also numerous Spooky-themed items on display at Nook’s Cranny throughout the month of October, so if you want to decorate your island with Halloween décor, be sure to check back daily.

在整个十月中,Nook's Cranny上还展示了许多以鬼怪为主题的物品,因此,如果您想用万圣节装饰来装饰小岛,请务必每天检查一下。



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